

1. Presentation from last week's assignment
- Movie Team
…Made close to the Fake Earthquake contents. Focus on the point where Japanese are educated to have a certain habit when the earthquake comes. The team made a humorous video clip based on this point, asking a rhetorical question of "What would you do when the earthquake comes?" The purpose of video is to attract the people, so they kept it simple with a strong message.

- Team A for Web Creation
…Made a character with a pop image. Based on the key words for website title, they focused on the sounds of "Do CAN", and used the cannon or characters as a motif. The users who come to the website for fun, could easily be interactive with the website contents. The target of website are going to be the teenagers and twenties. If they click on a character, it will link to the introduction of case study page, and if they want to find out the details, they can click the thumbnails of photos.

- Team B for Wen Creation
…Applied the layout from the business letter format, where they used the character with ribbon and made it cute with pop images. Having a short video clip and introduces new case studies or ideas on the top page. In addition, the motion graphics will be applied on the top page as well. There are three ways to search the case study, by the key word search, the icon search, and the map search. Furthermore, the page layout for each case study will fit into one screen, so the users do not have to scroll down the page.

2. Building a Brand
We selected and presented one project for each which could be useful for the case study in the future as a reference. Each projects are selected from the nominated works or projects on the international competition “INDEX" : non-profit organization established in Denmark, that present an award to the “Design to Improve Life.”

- Naming 
…Make it different from the existing website. How can we make them remember our website? >>> Let's go with the idea of Do Can first.

- About Logo
…Anything relate to DFSI will have the logo. To balance the overall marketing tools, contact Hung to change the font type for logo.
The website and video will use the Do Can image, not the DFSI logo.

3. Think about the Needs
What do Japanese people really need? This is the crucial information that designers from the world want to know.

- Ex 1.  
…The government does no action. The volunteers, designers, and people in disaster areas are the one who acts for the post disaster relief. When their action started to support by people, the government asked to buy that action.

- Ex 2.
…No budget. The question remains, how it can be collected. It only given directly to the people in disaster area and not used for the future plan.

- Ex 3.  
…Examples of case study from outside of Japan.

- Ex 4.
…There is a website created from Hanshin Earthquake, but they did not have web creators or designers.

Since there are not enough information for Japanese, the case studies are going to be collected from outside of Japan. Gradually, the cases from Japan will also be collected for non-Japanese users too. Ideas from all over the world.

For the post disaster relief, the navigation for having a connection between needs are going to be needed. Brainstormed the needs and devised into categories.
Damage in Tokyo/ Health Care/ Local Crime/ Image of Japan/ Recreation/ Nuclear Reaction/ Mental Problems/ Pipe/ Things can be done in Tokyo/ Community/ Jobs/ Physical/ Information/ Life/ Budget and ect.
From this point, we again divided into two ways of disaster area needs and other place needs. Then, the timeline of right after the earthquake and the long term needs are divided and ranked based on the priority.

- Immediate needs : 1) Information 2) Donation Products (Food, Basics, Money) 3) Health (Mental, Physical, Care) 4) Living (No Home, Shelter) 5) Pets

- Long Term needs s: 1) Information 2) Jobs 3) Health (Mental, Physical, Care) / Living (No Home, Shelter) 4) Children (Health, Education)

- Nuclear Reaction needs

※If we design for Japanese, it might be useful to know the customs in Japan. For instance, if we know the Taboo, it will make the job easier.

※During the process, we figure about what kind of people and how they search the information. The people using a cell phone would come by for fun and leave soon. To attract them, it is crucial to have some characters. The website for the cell phone could be made apart from the original website.
If they come from the computer, we can catch their attention, using a flash interaction. For those people who wants to know about the detailed information, could search using a key word or tag research system. If they already have a specific type. they can search from the categories.

4. Homework
What do Japanese people really need? This is the crucial information that designers from the world want to know.

・By Thursday, list the needs
・By Friday, have a question format so that the users are easy to search their needs
・By next week, add more case studies for the list of needs

・Other than the class, divided the needs from non-disaster area and make it line up based on the priority. Since the Information have wide range of categories, it could also be arranged again.

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